Tonight's outfit

♥ Jacket - Chicy
♥ Bag - Gina tricot
♥ Tights - Topshop
♥ Skirt - Gina
♥ Cardigan - HM
♥ Linen - Gina
♥ Necklace - Guldfynd
♥ Earrings - Skanstull
♥ Watch - Uropenn
Hey guys, back from a night out. Had a great time, I met some new people and we had a fun night. It was a pretty lame party, no one was dancing so. But some of us had a great time. That's why I'm back so early, the party never started, just a bunch of drunk people laying down on the sofa, so. But you know me, I'm not drinking, so I had a nice evening. We played cards something called bear game, I played it with water, haha. It was a great time, and know I'm gonna hit the bed and watch some episodes of One tree hill. Good night guys!
Translation. Tillbaka från en utekväll. Vi hade roligt, även om festen va lite halv tråkig. Ingen dansade, alla bara satt där och drack. Men vi hade kul endå, träffade på nytt härligt folk. Som sagt så dricker ju inte jag, men jag hade kul endå. Vi spelade ölspelet, fast jag med vatten, haha Skulle tagit med mig ngt roligare. Men vi hade en trevlig kävll, nu ska jag kolla på One tree hill, godnatt!
Spring break

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Bag - Halens
♥ Vest - Only
♥ Leggings - Ellos
♥ Shoes - Crete
♥ Watch - Uropenn
♥ Necklace - Guldfynd
♥ Neclaace n2 - Mum's
♥ Earrings - Skanstull
Hey guys, I'm so relived that spring break is finally here. I really need it. I'm so tired right know, but I can't keep my mind of all the studying I need to do, I hate when they put things over a break, when are we supposed to relax if we even can't be free for our break? The Swedish school system sucks. I had a fun time today at our last lesson, me and Caroline did some dancing moves in the back when we were supposed to watch a movie. Know I'm gonna lay back for a while i my bed watching my love One tree hill. Here you have my outfit for today.
Translation. Så skönt att lovet är här, är så trött. Har mycket plugg, måste dom lägga sånt över lovet? när är de meningen att vi ska vila då?. Haft en bra dag iskolan iaf. Nu ska jag chilla lite och kolla på One tree hill.
The way you told me to

♥ Coat - JC
♥ Bag - Åhlens
♥ Dress - Ellos
♥ Leggings - Gina
♥ Cardigan - Halens
♥ Watch - Uropenn
♥ Necklace - Guldfynd
♥ Earrings - Glitter
Hey guys back from school. Actcully I should have been back eariler but I played on our grand piano at school for an hour, and then I fetched some parcels with some great stuff in it, show you guys later. I know some of you like my new boots, but I still don't know, I think its wrong time of the year to buy winter shoes, you never know the trends for next season this earliy. So I think I'm going to return them to the store. Tomorrow is our last day before spring break, Halleluja moment!
Translation. Tillbaka från skolan, stannde kvar och spelade på flygen en timma. Vet inte om jag ska ha kvar stövlarna med fransar. Imorgon är sista dagen innan lovet, halleluja moment!
Today I'm wearing this

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Cardigan - HM
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Bag - Gina tricot
♥ Jeans - Weekday
♥ Blouse - HM

Hey guys, back from tonights event with my mum. Had a great time, and I learned al lot about Sachajuan´s products, and we all got a yummy sandwich and ramlösa to drink. After the event we all got some great goodiebags with their products in it. I will show you guys tomorrow. I'm tired but I have to see at least two episodes of One tree hill, but I think it's going to me more, I can't stop. Not good at all because I start at school tomorrow around eight, so. haha. But what the heck, I'm young, I will survive. Good night to the rest of you!
Monday dude

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Bag - Åhlens
♥ Dress - Made by me
♥ Leggings - Bikbok
♥ Earrings - Glitter
Hey guys, I've been ice skating with Fanny this afternoon. Cold cold cold but very funny. I think Fanny was more down on the ice then ice skating on it, haha. But like I sad it was really funny. Fanny is still in my house and right know she is walking around in my new high heels from hm, like a model, haha. But I need to kick her out haha, need to eat something.
My outfit

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scraf - Lindex
♥ Dress - Vila
♥ Jacket - HM
♥ Leggings - Bikbok
♥ Necklace - Guldfynd
♥ Earrings - Glitter
Hey guys, so the birtday party got canceled like ten minutes ago, so thats not fun at all. She is gonna have it next weekend instead. So I'm home tonight watching let's dance, but thats not a problem because I enjoy let's dance. I know that there is problem to visit and make a comment in my blog right know. But the guys are working one the problem. So its not wrong on your computers or anything. Just so you guys know, okey. This is todays outfit.
Stupid fire alarm!

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Bag - Gina Tricot
♥ Shoes - Crete
♥ Dress - Gina
♥ Leggings - Ellos
♥ Neclace - Mum's
♥ Earrings - Glitter
Hey guys, back from school and everything. My knee is so fucked up right know, I don't know what to say, I got a card for the elevator so I don't need to use the stares. But bad luck seems to follow me around, some idiot fucked up the fire alarm so we had to go out, and by go out I mean go down seven flat with a wood leg, I was the last person out I think, haha. Good for me that it just was false alarm (as usual). But I got really pist of, because its not fun at all when you can't walk. Here is my outfit.
Btw, did you know that this year its three friday the 13th? tomorrow, next month and november.
Today this is my outfit

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Leggings - Bikbok
♥ Tisha - Made by me
♥ Cardigan - Ellos
♥ Bag - Gina Tricot
♥ Bamboos - Glitter
Hey guys, back home now. After school I went to intersport to rent ski? don't know the word. Tomorrow my school are going to Järvsö to ski. So I'm going to be gone between like 6 o'clock am to 8 o'clock pm, so I'm gonna have a question moment for you guys all day long. So you can just send me in all your questions tomorrow and then I can answer it tomorrow night or on Wednesday. Here you have todays outfit, its a simple one, but I like it that way. PS. I'm gonna take my camera with me for tomorrow so I can show you guys pictures from the ski trip later on.
Wall to wall

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Bag - Gina tricot
♥ Dress - Halens
♥ Leggings - Ellos
♥ Earrings - Glitter
♥ Necklase - Oasis
♥ Necklase - Mum's
Hey guys, back from school. Its so nice that the weekend is here. Its been a hard week, and I really need some spare time. Tonight I'm just gonna lay low and watch Let´s Dance, tomorrow I'm gonna hit the cinema to watch twilight again with a friend or go to a birtdayparty. And then on sunday I'm going to the city to have a motheranddougther day with my mum and the only anwear to that is shopping, shopping and even more shopping. Right know Chris Brown crach my loudspeakers with hes song wall to wall. Have a nice evening guys!
Studs is my new thing, I think.

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Shoes - Din sko
♥ Bag - Åhlens
♥ Dress - Gina
♥ Vest - Made by me
♥ Tights - Åhlens
♥ Neclase - Guldfynd
♥ Bracelace - Made by me
♥ Bracelce - Crete
Hey guys, around four I turned one my TV to see one tree hill, instead of that, creepy gillmore girls shows up. I send an angry email to kanal5, but I only got answers to half of my questions. And one tree hill now will be at Sundays around five. Then after that I fell asleep on my sofa,I sleept for three hours. So now I'm awake again. I'm like this little baby, sleeps in the afternoons. I'm glad that you liked my new vest. I think it turned out looking so good. Now I need to eat dinner. As an end of this contribution - this is my outfit for today.
Misery Business

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Shoes - Skopunkten
♥ Leggings - Ellos
♥ Scarf - HM
♥ Dress - Gina Tricot
♥ Bag - Halens
♥ Jacket/cardigan - HM
♥ Legwarmings?! - Lindex
♥ Necklase - Guldfynd
♥ Earings - Bamboo
Hey Guys, back from school and now One tree hill starts, yey. Had a nice day at school, not so much to say about it. I tired from last night and I didn´t went to my last lesson today, to tired. So thats why I'm home all ready. I'm having a lazy outfit today, so don´t look at it. or something. But I'm tired as hell and I'm gonna watch OTH then sleep on my sofa. Btw, this girl Emelie has a amazing competition right now.
Fringe my right back

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Shoes - Crete
♥ Bag - Gina Tricot
♥ Dress - HM
♥ Cardigan - Gina
♥ Necklace - Ms bijoux

Hey guys, a very long day at school today. Tomorrow is the opening night on our mini musical, so we have been practicing all afternoon until like 16.30 pm, so I'm really tired, and I have homework too. We have to wear black on our musical so that's why my outfit is so boring. But I love my new bag from gina tricot, I love fringes. I hope you guys have a great start on your week. Tonight it's prison break, but don´t now if I have the strength to stay up until then. Now I have to eat something.
Tonight with spotlife

♥ Jacket - Gina tricot
♥ Shoes - Dinsko
♥ Dress - Gina tricot
♥ Leggings - Lindeex
♥ Watch - Uropenn
♥ Associates - Random
Hey guys! back from our dinner/party evening with spotlife. I had a really fun night and I spend my evening with the nicest persons. I'm not tired at all, but I think I have to go to bed now. But it was a really nice evening, and thanks to the spotlife crew for everything. I can tell you more about the night tomorrow, and show you some cutie pictures. God night!
Tonight I'm wearing this

♥ Skirt - Gina Tricot
♥ Tisha - Made by me
♥ Tights - Topshop
♥ Earings - Bamboo
♥ Necklace - Guldfynd
♥ Watch - Uropenn
♥ Bracelet - Kyssjohanna
♥ Braclet two - Mum's

Hey guys, Now I'm heeding of to mcdonalds with my two friends Isabella and Sara, and then later we are going to my other friend Bella and spend our evening at here place. I hope it will be fun. And this is my outfit for tonight, today I'm just wearing boring clothes for are musical rehearsals so thats not fun at all. But I took this photos last night just for you guys. I'm a very kind person, or something. Hope you are having a nice evening and I talk to you guys tomorrow, maybe with some great photos from tonight?
When the clouds have all departed

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Dress - Asos
♥ Bag - Halens
♥ Cardigan - HM
♥ Leggings - Ellos
♥ Watch - Uropenn
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Necklese - Guldfynd
♥ Earings - Bamboo
Hey guys, I'm so happy that my download on all 8 seasons of full house is done, gosh don´t now how many hours its been taking. But know I have them all, happy. Today we have practices on our mini musical. Or more sex musical, know kidding. Its true, its about a pedophile? don´t actually know the word in English. Its a strange story but I think it will be good. It has been a long day at school, I left around 16.30 pm. Btw I have bought this lovely gladiator sandals, I'm exited. And also rivets for my vest. I have allot of stuff to do know, so have a nice evening guys.
He face off between

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Shoes - Dinsko
♥ Tisha - Made by me
♥ Cardigan - HM
♥ Bag - Halens
♥ Jeans - Halens
Now, One tree hill, soon update with todays outfit! Update around seven. Hey guys, I actually fell asleep on my couch, sorry but its a bad habit. Its a nice one, haha. But now you can see my outfit. I have to hit the cinema soon and see twilight, to far gone. The thing is that most people has already seen it ( and they don´t want to see it again (sick) ) So I have too found someone how hasn´t. Good luck! But don´t think I'm behind or something, I have it on my computer too, but I think the movie is so amazing at the cinema.
Derry down green

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Shoes - Dinsko
♥ Necklese - Guldfynd
♥ Bag - Halens
♥ Cardigan - HM
♥ Dress - Made by me
♥ Leggings - Gina

Hey guys, my last lesson in art got cancelled so nice. I love my new tisha, its so cool, and people in school ask me today - were did you get it? I made it, mohaha. I love it. And so the lion fell in love with the lamb, omg its so beautiful. Soon Ooe tree hills begins so I will be of then, haha. I've really started to like one tree hill. Its snow outside again, badbadbad. I had plans to wear my shorts soon, haha. I think I have to wait a while for that moment. Hope you are having a nice day guys!
Hey, here is my outfit guys

♥ Brown jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Bag - Halens
♥ Jacket - HM
♥ Tisha - Gina Tricot
♥ Leggins - Ellos
♥ Watch - Uropenn
Hey guys, back from school. I'm happy that you liked my new tisha, I think I'm going to do another one tonight. My mum is working and dad training so I have the house to myself. I really like it, to be alone for awhile. BTW, today we got like invitations to my cousins wedding these summer, and do you know what? the wedding will be 25 July, very funny. Its my birthday!!!!!!!!!! I'm turning 18 for fuck sake! I'm so mad, at first because I wanted to go and now I cant, but now because my one family is gonna leave me on my own birthday, my fucking day. I think its idiotic and I would never do that to my own kids, so we are kind of heaving a big fight about that. But you have to see my point, its my 18´s birthday, I had big plans and everything so I'm not gonna change it. Its my cousin! show some respect, they didn´t have to take my day, my 18´s birthday. So if I would and up alone, I think its gonna take time for me to forgive my family for that.
High heels and sickness

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ Shoes - Dinsko
♥ Inside jacket - Gina
♥ Watch - Uropenn
♥ Bracelet - Kyssjohanna
♥ Dress & Tights - Gina
♥ Necklase - Bijoux
Hey guys, sorry but I don´t feel so well tonight, so my presence is not the best. I hope you guys are having a nice evening, I'm spending mine in my couch watching Lets Dance and I will maybe se my new Sex and the city the movie dvd. But I'm so tired and my head is a mess. But my day was fairly good, project day, and my favorite was the Harry Potter gang, they had really exert in their work, they actually went to London and visit allot of recording places for the movies of Harry Potter. I saw the movie like four times, great work girls.
btw, today is it exacly 300 until New moon on cinema! wiee
Intense week guys

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Scarf - Lindex
♥ New Bag - Ellos
♥ Dress - Vila
♥ Cardigan - HM
♥ Leggings - Gina
♥ Watch - Uropenn
Hey Guys, sorry but my schedule has been so full. This week has been intense, like one thing. I have been late every day to the first lesson because I overslept, not well at all. Then the musical last night (it went out well), and today we have been working with our other musical project, its opening night the third February, so we are very stressed. I get allot of commentary’s with massages like this "Oh, why have you started to writing in English". Okay people, you just have to deal with it. I think it’s a little bit silly, because it’s not advance English I'm using. And it’s just because you guys are so laze, and you want it to be easy. But now, this is my blog and if you don’t like my way, you can just drop it and leave. Because I'm going to write in English in indefinite time, so you guys know. Here is my outfit.