My third time on cinema!

hey guys, today me and my friend Susanna was at the cinema watching Twilight, it was my third time and I just realized that's I want to see it again soon, on the cinema, because it's so much better then watching this crappy download I have on my computer, so I bought myself this card, so I can go for half price three times on cinema so good. It only cost me 12 crowns, haha. But twilight was so god, as always. I can't wait until my dvd comes from the USA can't it be mars 21th now?

After that the whole family (me, mum, dad, micke, peter, jenny and jackie) ate cream bun, because its the cream bun's day today! I don't really like it, but my mother had baked them and it was the best cream bun I ever have ever eaten. It's been a great day, and tomorrow I'm going to dye my hair. yey. But more about that tomorrow, Good night!
My other blog about Rob

Hey guys, I want to tell you about my other blog, some of you already know but I want to make sure that everyone knows. Its a blog about Robert Pattinson, it's kind of a test blog, don't know for sure if I'm going to have it forever, I'm gonna test it a wile and se if they are any intrest in reading it. So it's up to you guys. So here you can find it, or just click on the picture and you will get there.
Translation. Tänkte berätta om min andra blogg, den om Robert Pattinson, vet inte om alla känner till den, iaf. Här har ni den, besök den gärna. De lite av en test blogg just nu, finns inget intresse bland er läsare att läsa den så är det ingen mening. Så de up till er. Klicka på bilden om ni vill till bloggen. Nu ska jag iväg och gå på bio och se twilight!
OBS:!! från och med på fredag kommer man inte kunna använda
Late morning today

Good morning guys, you probably know why I'm not awake until know, Oscars last night was fantastic, and I don't regret at all watching it until 06.05 am. But know this day is almost over, haha. I have to look trough some homework stuff today, but I can't find the papers, It just hit me that I have allot to do, and it's not right. I hate the Swedish school system. I'm probably going to watch some episodes of One tree hill too, but first I need to find my home work papers and look them trough. Hope your having a great day.
Translation. Ni vet säkert varför jag inte gått upp förens nu, oscars galan var fantastisk och jag ångrar inte att jag stannade uppe tills 06.05 imorse. Måste plugga lite idag, har för mkt plugg, hatar svenska skol systemet. Ska även se några OTh avsnitt.
Best at the Oscar's red carpet

The best woman outfit at the Oscars red carpet is Naalie Portman wearing, a pink dress by Rodarte. Simple but still such a amazing dress, love the lines and the colour. It would be a dream to wear something like this for me. Natalie's dress is the winner tonight without almost any competition accordning to me.

The best man outfit at the Oscars red carpet is Robert Pattinson wearing. A nice clean stylish Dolce & Gabbana tuxedo. Love the lines and the simble touch. Robert is lookig incredible handsome tonight, nice to see him back at the red carpet there he belongs and always show off like a star in out standing outfits.
Exept from a lovely show at the red carpet, it's a lovely and very entertaining show, so all creds to the Oscars awards, it's a amazing night and the are mixing humor with music numbers on stage. I hope you guys are watching, if you like to have more info about Robert and his night at the Oscars, visit my other blog here. Have great night!
Snow all over the place

Snow snow snow, I did a snowlantern today.

It's so beautiful when it's dark outside

So much snow, it's so nice when the snow is laying down on the trees.

Tree in the sky, almost. Snow all over the place
Hey guys, today has been a calm nice day. Spend some time with my mum, right know we are watching DH, it's a really great show. Exept from doing a snowlantern and watching DH I've been working allot on my design on my new blog. A blog just about Robert Pattinson, I think it's looks really good and I'm gonna enjoy it so much. If you like Robert visit my blog here. Tonight it's Oscars adwards and I'm going to watch it, Robert it's going to divide a award, 23.55 is the time to remember if you want to see it, and cannel nine. Have a great night!
Translation. Idag har varit en lugn dag, spenderat tid med mamma. Just nu ser vi på desperata hemmafurar, har även gjort en snölykta. Förutom de har jag jobbat jättemycket på min nya design på min nya blogg om Robert Pattinson, den första bloggen om honom på svenska. Gillar ni honom, spana in min blogg. Ikväll är de oscars galan, sjävklart ska jag kolla, Robert ska dela ut pris. 23.55 börjar det, kanal9. Ha en trevlig kväll!
Good morning Sunday!

Good morning guys. So nice to finally have time to rest. Just sleeeeep. Today is my mothers nameday! Yey, all congratulations to my mum. Today is going to be a nice day, just relax spend some time with my mum, and maybe watch some episodes of One tree hill, my new habbit. But its my mothers day today so she will deside. Know I need to go upstairs to eat some breakfast. Have a dubble great day guys!
Translation. Godmorgon, så skönt att sova ut. Idag är det min mammas namnsdag, stort grattis till henne. Idag kommer vara en lugn dag, spendera tid med mamma. Kanske se ngt avsnitt av One tree hill, men mamma får bestämma. Nu ska jag äta frukost, ha en bra dag!
Tonight's outfit

♥ Jacket - Chicy
♥ Bag - Gina tricot
♥ Tights - Topshop
♥ Skirt - Gina
♥ Cardigan - HM
♥ Linen - Gina
♥ Necklace - Guldfynd
♥ Earrings - Skanstull
♥ Watch - Uropenn
Hey guys, back from a night out. Had a great time, I met some new people and we had a fun night. It was a pretty lame party, no one was dancing so. But some of us had a great time. That's why I'm back so early, the party never started, just a bunch of drunk people laying down on the sofa, so. But you know me, I'm not drinking, so I had a nice evening. We played cards something called bear game, I played it with water, haha. It was a great time, and know I'm gonna hit the bed and watch some episodes of One tree hill. Good night guys!
Translation. Tillbaka från en utekväll. Vi hade roligt, även om festen va lite halv tråkig. Ingen dansade, alla bara satt där och drack. Men vi hade kul endå, träffade på nytt härligt folk. Som sagt så dricker ju inte jag, men jag hade kul endå. Vi spelade ölspelet, fast jag med vatten, haha Skulle tagit med mig ngt roligare. Men vi hade en trevlig kävll, nu ska jag kolla på One tree hill, godnatt!
Saturday shopping

Hey guys, back from the mall. I've been running some errands and then I couldn't help by some things at the same time, haha. It's just the way I've been born. But the skirt was very cheap, only 99 crowns. And then I bought bamboo earrings, I'm in love with them, now I have hearts and rings in both silver and gold, four pair. But I was leaving back another pair I got for valentine's day, and the distinction my mum gave me. And then also a dip liner from hm for 49 crowns, and we had a discount patch on 50 so I didn't have to pay. Tonight I'm going to a party with my friend Jessica. Have a nice evening guys.
Translation. Tillbaka från gallerian, sprang några ärenden och lyckades omedvetet få med mig lite saker hem, hehe. Bambo örhängen från glitter, kjol från gina och en dip liner från hm. Ikväll ska jag på partaj med min kompis Jessica, ha en trevlig kväll!
The twilight saga collection

My love, my everything. Oh, I'm so happy can't express myself, today I bought the twilight saga collection and I'm so happy to finally have it by my side. It's been out of stock for a very long time, but know finally they got some of them in again, and I bought my love. It's the four books in the twilight saga, twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn. I've been reading the two first books in the story but in Swedish, not eclipse and breaking dawn, as I sad, I'm gonna wait until new moon hits the cinema. Except for the wonderful books I also got four pictures with the front of the books on, so cute. 745 crowns on science fiction bookstore! Love
Translation. Åh, min kärlek. Kan inte beskriva känslan, idag köpte jag the twilight saga collection. Jag har stått i kö länge och nu fick de äntligen in den igen, så jag köpte den direkt. De är alla fyra böckerna i serien på engelska, har bara läst ettan och tvåan en så länge, eftersom jag väntar tills new moon kommer ut. Fick även med fyra bilder med framsidan på. Köpte boxen för 745 på Science fiction bokhandeln.
Spring break

♥ Jacket - Wacko
♥ Bag - Halens
♥ Vest - Only
♥ Leggings - Ellos
♥ Shoes - Crete
♥ Watch - Uropenn
♥ Necklace - Guldfynd
♥ Neclaace n2 - Mum's
♥ Earrings - Skanstull
Hey guys, I'm so relived that spring break is finally here. I really need it. I'm so tired right know, but I can't keep my mind of all the studying I need to do, I hate when they put things over a break, when are we supposed to relax if we even can't be free for our break? The Swedish school system sucks. I had a fun time today at our last lesson, me and Caroline did some dancing moves in the back when we were supposed to watch a movie. Know I'm gonna lay back for a while i my bed watching my love One tree hill. Here you have my outfit for today.
Translation. Så skönt att lovet är här, är så trött. Har mycket plugg, måste dom lägga sånt över lovet? när är de meningen att vi ska vila då?. Haft en bra dag iskolan iaf. Nu ska jag chilla lite och kolla på One tree hill.
Nothing beat black and white

Good morning guys, have to run to school. I'm not late, but I will be if write to mutch here. So nice with, this is our last day before spring break, so wonderful. And I'm gonna by something today that I wanted for sooo long. So I'm very happy.Here you have my favorite black and white pictures for the moment. I think it's so beautiful in a picture when you only use black and white. Have a nice day guys!
Translation. Godmorgon, måste skynda mig till skolan. Är inte sen men kommer bli de om jag forsätter skriva. Idag blir de lov, härligt. Och jag ska köpa ngt jag längtat länge efter. Älskar de här två bilderna. Inget slår black and white.
Shop until you drop

Flat studs from Panduro 29 crowns. Perfect

White/pink bra from HM 129 crowns. Cutiepie

Vest with decoration from Only 250 crowns. So wonderful

Skinimitation with studs and zippers from Chicy 989 crowns. Love at first sight.

Jeansshorts from jsfn 198 crowns. Going to fix them up with some sandpaper.
The way you told me to

♥ Coat - JC
♥ Bag - Åhlens
♥ Dress - Ellos
♥ Leggings - Gina
♥ Cardigan - Halens
♥ Watch - Uropenn
♥ Necklace - Guldfynd
♥ Earrings - Glitter
Hey guys back from school. Actcully I should have been back eariler but I played on our grand piano at school for an hour, and then I fetched some parcels with some great stuff in it, show you guys later. I know some of you like my new boots, but I still don't know, I think its wrong time of the year to buy winter shoes, you never know the trends for next season this earliy. So I think I'm going to return them to the store. Tomorrow is our last day before spring break, Halleluja moment!
Translation. Tillbaka från skolan, stannde kvar och spelade på flygen en timma. Vet inte om jag ska ha kvar stövlarna med fransar. Imorgon är sista dagen innan lovet, halleluja moment!
The morning after

Marcus Ohlsson - Tush
Morning guys, I'm pretty much late for school this morning too, like every morning. Don't know why, I think it's becamo a very bad habit, but after spring break I'm gonna shape up. I like school, exept for math, so thats not the problem. Anyway, I'm glad that you liked my new shoes, I am a little bit insecure about the boots, don't know If i'm gonna keep them. And hey, for you how wanted to know the store, it's Deichmann and you will found it on Kungsgatan, beside Stadium. I have to run know, but have a super great they guys!
Translation. Godmorgon, försovit mig igen, lyckas för ofta med det. För er som ville veta om skobutiken, de är Deichmann och de ligger på kungsgatan brevid Stadium.
These shoes are made for bying

The first pair of shoes, from my new favorite store Deichmann, they have like everything. I love this shoes, do you want to know why? they are like the maximum copy of my favorite design shoe, cause I couldn't afford the real pair, but these shoes? they are the maximum copy and then I don't care what kind of designer it is. Love for only 340 crowns.
Translation. Nya älsklingar till stövlar from Deichmann, de är en otroligt lik kopia av mina favorit designers skor. De var jätte billiga också, 340 kronor.

And then, The perfect match, this is the missing love on your why to the party, they are perfect for everything. Just fell in love in the second I saw them, they are so beautiful. They look like something Bianco or top shop would sell, but here you don't have to pay your hole fortune, the prize is on unbelievably, 229 crowns, do you believe me? yeah, I had a problem to do that at first to, I just have to say three words, Hallelujah to Dechmann. And the good thing? In mars this most beautiful gladiator sandals will come in, how will boy them? me.
Translation. Ännu en perfect sko från Dechmann, älskar den. Perfekt till allt. Och de bästa av allt, priset. Du kommer inte tro mig men jag betalde bara 229 kronor, de helt osannolikt bra pris.